Friday, October 23, 2020

Wellness Advocate

 I've recently discovered how to summarize the phase of life I'm in and the calling God has for me.


I feel as though we get sucked in to the Newest Health Trend all too easily.  Sometimes I sit back and wonder, "What did my grandmother do?  She is older and she looks amazing and she still seems rather healthy."  When I do have the opportunity to see her and talk to her one on one, I learn so much.  She can tell me what her generation did, and I find myself learning that our generation has made things too complicated.  Or - maybe just more complicated than they have to be.

Therefore, I have decided that I am an advocate for All Things WELLNESS.

What does this mean?  I love encouraging others to be the healthiest version of themselves.  But this takes on many meanings for me.  

"Wellness" encompasses


MENTAL health


 and SPIRITUAL health

If we put too much emphasis on being "healthy" in one of these areas, then the other areas might slip into the "unhealthy" range.  It's a balancing act.  

I Jazzercise for my physical health, but also because it makes me happy (mental health!) 

 I try to eat the unhealthy delicious foods in moderation and focus more on proteins, fruits, and vegetables for my physical health, but this also contributes to how my body will FEEL.  Carbs give me energy; proteins feed my muscles and brain; fruits and vegetables are the most natural form of food God provided for us. 

I make time to read my Bible, listen to worship songs, and keep in prayer and in relationship with God for my spiritual health.  And when I do a better job of THIS.....  wow.  The Holy Spirit guides me to the more healthy options when I feel myself start to slip.  He is also good about putting people in my life that encourage me to be the best version of me.

I pray that you will learn how to balance these aspects of WELLNESS in your life.  It's never easy.  It takes discipline.  But the hard work is so worth it.

Ciao for now, friends!  

1 comment:

  1. Katie, I love this post! It took me a long time to learn how closely connected our minds, bodies, and spirits are--that one always affects the others.

    I am excited about how God is going to use you as an advocate for others.
