Friday, June 14, 2024

Psalm 32: Blessed are the Forgiven


“When I kept silent, my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long.”

Have you ever found yourself in a dry spell – where you weren’t spending time with the Lord like you should? Life got busy, and whatever habits you had in place slowly disappeared.  Your kids need you the minute you wake up, your day gets going, and before you know it you find yourself groaning.  You seek solace.  You crave that quiet time.  It’s been so long that you feel like your bones are wasting away.  This is surely how David felt in today’s Psalm.

“Day and night your hand was heavy upon me; my strength dried up as by the heat of the summer.”

Oh friends, without daily prayer and reminders of God’s goodness from His Word, our strength dries up.  As Texas residents, we know the heat of summer all too well.  Just as we know the sweet relief of air conditioning, we should remember the sweet relief of leaning into our Lord and spending time in His presence. 

“Then, I acknowledged my sin to you….I did not cover it…I confessed.  And you forgave me.  Suddenly the pressure was gone- my guilt dissolved, my sin disappeared.”

I don’t know about you, but for me, confession is the hardest part of prayer.  Reflecting on the ways we’ve messed up is not fun.  But repentance is how we draw near to God.  What a blessing it is that Jesus’ blood covers it all.

“God is my island hideaway, he keeps danger far from the shore, he throws garlands of hosannas around my neck.”

Picture that sweet vacation spot where you find the most peace.  Is it the beach, the mountains, a river, or an open field of wildflowers?  Close your eyes and picture yourself there today.  Picture God with you there.  Allow His presence, His goodness, His love, and His forgiveness to become your garland.


(Scripture summarized from ESV and MSG.)

1 comment:

  1. That was the best devotional I have ever read it really spoke to me
