Monday, January 28, 2013

Secret Agent Work

Jesus tells us:
“You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavor? Can you make it salty again? It will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless."  (Matthew 5:13)

Joyce Meyer comments:
"Love represents the salt; it is the energy and the flavor of our lives.  Every day can be exciting if we see ourselves as God's secret agents, waiting in the shadows to sprinkle some salt on the tasteless lives of the people we encounter."

Jesus also says:
"You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden.  No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house.  In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father."  (Matthew 5:14-16)

Loving others (even showing kindness and love to complete strangers) takes effort.  It takes consciously slowing yourself down and thinking before you speak.  It takes humility; You must take the light off of yourself- because your life is not really all about you- and shine some light on those around you.

I encourage you to make an effort to live as God's secret agent.
When you stop at the grocery store, complement a stranger and give them a smile.
When you run into a co-worker who looks like death-warmed-over, give them a pat on the back and a word of encouragement. 
Small gestures, such as these, could make a huge difference in someone else's day.  It could give them HOPE that they were unable to find elsewhere. 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

24 days and counting....

I've made it (almost) all the way through January upholding my resolutions!  Granted, often times breakfast is accompanied by cartoons instead of Praise & Worship...but we definitely turn on the radio at some point in our day...and that station is always first on my list.  But, friends, let me tell you about that other resolution I had (opening my Bible every single day) ....  WOW. 

Words cannot express the amazing things God has already taught me in 24 short days.  Of course there are days that I open to the next reading passage on my list and grumble a little bit under my breath.  "Isaiah?  Really?  What in the world is all this prophesy stuff?  How does it apply to me?  I'm not a history buff....this doesn't make sense.  It's repetitive, too."  Then at the next opportunity I have, I'll open my Idiot's Guide to the Bible or Joyce Meyer Everyday Life Bible to see what the experts have to say about Isaiah.  Boom!  All of a sudden, I'm overwhelmed with clarification and encouragement.  It's pretty darn cool.

The funny thing is that I had my mind set on completing each daily passage and moving on to the next day's passage from this Reading Guide I found (which I love!!) in order to read the entire Bible in a year.  Well.....God had other plans for me.  I soon realized that if I wanted to fully understand, dig deep, and STUDY God's word- because reading and studying are totally different things- then I would need to slow down a bit.  The awesome thing about this reading plan is that it breaks the Bible down into 7 different genres, and you read from a different genre each day (or every 2 to 3 days if you're like me.)  To check it out, click here:  Genres Bible Reading Plan

I'm also trying to journal daily "takeaway" thoughts from my reading- and this journal is a great place to list prayer requests too.  I love being able to look back and see what God was teaching me a week ago and how He has been at work in my life- answering prayers or just being present in the situations I've called upon His help.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Top 2 New Years Resolutions

Well, my Christmas Countdown didn't make it all the way through December. I'm not quite sure what happened. Oh yeah- life. But today I have a spare moment to sit and reflect, and make some new year's resolutions.

2013 started with a great morning! My son slept in, which allowed me to sleep in. I woke rested and ready to take on my little world. As I tooled around the kitchen making breakfast with Robbie in his high chair, I turned on some Praise & Worship music and sang till my heart was full. I raised my hands in praise at one point and Robbie mimicked me. I then vowed to do that every morning. (Resolution #1) What better way to start our day and instill in my son the importance of, and desire to, worship?

One song that came across my Pandora station was Word of God Speak, by Mercy Me. And Resolution #2 struck me. I must make time to sit and read God's Word daily. There is no better way to find peace than sitting in God's presence, talking to Him and waiting patiently for Him to guide me and pour out His love, mercy, & strength on me. "My soul and flesh cry out for You, the Living God. Your Spirit's water for my soul..."

After finding a weekly Bible reading plan and getting started, I'm so motivated to see this through! I look forward to seeing what amazing things God has in store for me on this journey.

I have more resolutions on my list (eating healthy, getting more exercise, etc) that are very common and cliche. But these two are my TOP priority. They go hand in hand. Making time to be in God's Presence is not always easy or popular. We make excuses that we're just too busy...but then we turn on the tv instead of opening our Bible or bowing our heads in prayer. My husband and I made a bold move a few months ago- we cancelled our cable. We now only have network channels (with no DVR) coming from a digital antenna. And we only have one tv in our house. We have enjoyed playing with our son, chatting and catching up with each other once he's in bed, and picking up a book when all is finally quiet. Like the good old days.

My point is this:
I vow to stop making excuses, and I will make my relationship with God top priority. Relationships cannot be developed if we don't have two-way communication, and God communicates to us through His word.