Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Perfect Dress

The image of this perfect dress came to me as I laid awake in bed one evening.  I wanted to share my sketch with you before it becomes too colorful and ornate.  The verse that accompanies this idea is from Colossians 3:12-14.  "Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.  Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone.  Forgive as the Lord forgave you.  And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity." 

I've been reading a book titled The Beautiful Wife, by Sandy Ralya.  It is- yet another- life changing piece of work that God has placed in my path recently.  One thing I'm learning is to take off the masks that women tend to hide behind.  Three masks Ralya mentions are:

1.  Superwoman - trying to please everybody so that you may find favor and acceptance (and forgetting whom we should truly be serving daily- be it your Lord, your husband, your children, or just taking time to renew yourself)

2.  Material Girl - giving in to what the world advertises - "Money can buy you happiness!  The right stuff is all you need!  Everything is bigger in Texas!  Everything is better with coffee/ice cream/you name it/fill in your blank!"

3.  The Perfect Ten - portraying an image of perfection - "I have it all together.  I've got life by the tail.  I'm totally in control and blessed by God.  I'll do it myself....and I'll succeed."  (Quiet Confidence is a good thing; Pride will ruin a person.  Quiet Confidence comes from the Holy Spirit; Pride is a deadly sin.)

Taking off our masks can be scary because we don't want others to see the real us.  The REAL me is not capable of super powers.  The REAL me will never be truly fulfilled with the purchase of a new car.  The REAL me is not perfect.  The real me needs only one thing for sustained JOY and PEACE in this great adventure of life, and that is the LOVE of my Heavenly Father.  Sharing that love with others brings me joy as well.  I hope you find peace, joy, and love today.

That beautiful dress may call your name as you walk by.  But remember this: the woman wearing that dress has been specifically and intricately crafted by the hand of God.  The woman in the dress is the TRUE BEAUTY.

1 comment:

  1. Legitimate shame (a result of personal sin) and illegitimate shame (a result of others sin against you) cause one to hide like Adam and Eve did. When we allow God to enter our shame,remove our masks, heal our wounds and clothe us with His grace we are able to put on that beautiful dress designed for us by God! Thanks for giving us a visual picture of God's design Katie!
