Friday, April 30, 2010

Nothing Matters More to God than People

First Commandment: Love God.
Second Commandment: Love Others.
Loving God is easy for me, because He's never given me a reason not to love Him. Loving others is not always so easy! We meet people who aren't like us and we immediately begin judging them from head to toe. Even if we don't intend to do this- it just happens. It's human nature. There are certain people we may not get along with (and never will)...BUT God calls us to love others. ALL others. I believe that we don't have to be friends with everyone we meet - but we can at least be cordial and nice to them.

I've also discovered that it's tempting to turn conversations "all about me!" I have started making a conscious effort not to do this! I am trying to be a better listener (without sticking my two-cents in everything.) I want to be more empathetic and understanding. When someone comes to me to pour out their feelings, then I need to take the time to stop whatever I'm doing and really listen. Doing this will help me deepen my relationships with others. I've found out the hard way that multi-tasking while "listening" just doesn't work. (Maybe for some people it does....but I'm just not the best multi-tasker!)

If nothing matters more to God than PEOPLE....then nothing should matter more to me than people! It is difficult to put others first in a world that preaches selfishness - where being a "material girl" is the thing to do. Don't get me wrong - I love new clothes, shoes, jewelry, and getting my hair done! But I don't want those things to get in the way of what matters most. There are times when I need a moment to REFOCUS on my purpose in life.


  1. This is Daddy, trying to do a test with Mom.

  2. I have enjoyed reading your blogs Katie. What a wonderful idea to share your journey with others as well as keep a record of God's handprints in your life. You can reflect back and remember HIS TRUTH that has been shown all around you. And one day, I foresee a book to be published! 

    I relate to your thoughts on loving others. Even though a life long prayer of mine has been and still is for the Lord to allow me to see others through His eyes, (something my G-mother taught me as a little girl), I believe that the Lord has been allowing that to be challenged in my personal relationship with Him lately. Sometimes the people who you do not expect to hurt you are the ones who so blatantly do. I don't like to be disliked ~ I am a people pleaser too! :) But the Lord is trying to teach me to seek His acceptance only.

    Jim has begun calling me "The Bad Seed Purger!" saying if there is a bad seed in the room it's going to come throw itself up on me. And he's not kidding ~ really it's just been a good way to laugh at some really hard, hateful attacks. I know I am on a journey that Lord has placed me on therefore the difficulties are bearable. One thing that I think the Lord is teaching me is to separate the sin from the person. I am a sinner too and could easily be in the same shoes of those who live with the choice to house it in their lives everyday. It helps although it is still hard to understand why . . . but I choose to Love the Lord with all my heart, mind, soul and strength! I am responsible for my choices and not the choices of others.

    Thank you for sharing your heart. You are a beautiful young lady and I have truly enjoyed seeing you grow. It is a passion of mine to see others grow to a better understanding of the Lord, His love for them as well as His full plan for their lives. I recently read that the biggest sin of our Christian society is settling for less than what God has for them. Like the Israelites in the desert wondering for years and years because of their sin instead of claiming God’s promises and entering the life that He planned for them. I don’t want to be a wonderer ~ I want to fully fulfill the purpose God has for me!

    Keep Blogging Katie!

  3. Thanks for sharing, Tashia! It's a little comforting to know that many of us struggle with the same issues. I'm reading The Shack right now, and it talks about the importance of fully trusting God. You're so right that His acceptance is the only one we need. I'm trying to remember to just be myself and not worry about what others think. As long as I'm living the way God wants me to, then that's all that matters. However, it's always good to seek Godly counsel from those around us that have our best interest in mind - such as our husbands. I can't tell you how many times Derek has given me a different perspective to think about, and it guides me back on track often. I feel so blessed to have God at the center of our marriage.
