Monday, September 13, 2021

Head to Toe

I was teaching 7th grade math at a private Christian school.  One of my sweet students was struggling with anxiety.  How did I know?  This amazing school is a small, tight community.  I had moved up with this group of students after teaching them the previous year in 6th grade.  We had built a rapport, and I had an open door policy.  I wanted to be available for my students with any questions (math or not) when they needed help.  I had also made the effort to partner with their parents.  The momma of this sweet student came to me and let me know of her struggles.  She was helping her daughter learn tools for diffusing an anxiety attack.  She wanted to let me know, and she asked if the student and I could have a secret code, a symbol to let me know she was feeling the anxiety rising.  When I saw the symbol, I would let her leave the classroom to compose herself and use calming strategies.  

During this conversation with the student's mom, I opened up and shared my story.  I, too, had struggled with anxiety, panic attacks, and mental health.  The mom teared up, gave me a hug, and said, "I'm so sorry that you struggle too.  I was so nervous to talk to anyone about this, but the Lord obviously led me to you for a reason.  You understand."  In that moment, I knew.  

I knew that God would use the broken pieces of me to help others.

Then this sweet momma told me about Christy Nockels' album, "Be Held: Lullabies for the Beloved"

I downloaded it that very afternoon.  It has become one of my favorite albums to listen to when I need respite.  When I need calm.  When I need reminders of His love for me.  In fact, I began using the first two songs to wake my children for school in the mornings. 

The first song, "Head to Toe" is all about the Armor of God.  As I listened to it again this morning, one phrase stuck out to me.

"His Word will be the sword you keep.  You're covered head to toe."

So as you step into your day, and maybe give this song (or album) a listen, I pray that God's Word would penetrate your heart.  That it would infiltrate every thought you have and spill out into everything you do and say.  

The only way that can happen is if you are actively reading (or listening to) His Word.  My family has started reading one chapter from the New Testament each evening after dinner (thanks to a little encouragement from our school community!)  We're not perfect.  There are nights that we forget or become busy.  So sometimes we double-up later.  And sometimes, as I watch my kids' body language, it seems as if the words are going in one ear and out the other.  I just remind myself that God is using these moments to pour His Truth into our hearts.  And it's a much better use of our time than Netflix could ever be.

So, back to the song and it's uplifting lyrics.  When we spend time in His Word, it becomes our SWORD.  And I don't know about you, but there are days that I really need a weapon like that on my side.

So, dive in, friends!  Let's ARMOR UP!

Link to listen:

YouTube: Head to Toe (Christy Nockels)

Friday, September 10, 2021

Make Him Famous

"Go ahead - sing your new song to the Lord!
Let everyone in every language sing him a new song.
Don't stop! Keep on singing! Make his name famous!
Tell everyone every day how wonderful he is.
Give them the good news of our great Savior.
Take the message of his glory and miracles to every nation.
Tell them about all the amazing things he has done."

Psalm 96:1-3 (The Passion Translation)

This morning, my heart cries out for our nation and our world.  I'm not talking about politics.  I'm talking about the spiritually thirsty.  The emotionally drained.  The physically exhausted.  People.  I see the working moms who are trying to balance all of their responsibilities, wondering if they will ever find rest.  I see the moms who work in the home, searching for a greater purpose than cooking and cleaning.  I see the fathers who are bearing the financial and emotional burden of leading their families.  I see the younger generation, heads in their phones, losing all sense of reality and authentic connection.

I see the stressed.  I see the depressed.  I see the lonely.  

The hurting.  The confused.  The angry.  The tired. 

I read Psalm 96 and I am reminded not to stop.  Keep on singing.  Make His name famous.  I hope and pray that I have the courage to tell someone, every day, how wonderful He is.  To take the message of His glory and miracles to every nation.  But what does this look like in today's society?  In my little circle of influence?  What can this one little person, in one little corner of the world, do to make an impact?

Smile at a stranger.  Or better yet, strike up a conversation with someone you don't know.  

Take the time to get to know your colleagues.  Your neighbors.  Invest in them.  Pray for them.

Text a friend to ask how they are doing.

Want something tangible?  Amazon has $5 boxes of wallet-sized encouragement cards.  Leave them with your bank teller, your waitress, your cashier.  (see link below)

Amazon: Let your Light Shine Box of Blessings

One small spark can ignite a flame that rages so big - even Satan can't put it out.

Let's do this.  

How will you Make Him Famous today?