Thursday, February 14, 2019

Jesus and Jazzercise

I have been dancing with Jazzercise for almost 14 years!  Granted, there were many in-between years that I had to "take off" to raise my babies and balance motherhood/family life with working full time.  Seasons come and seasons go.  For example, my teaching career was put on hold for this season, as my family needed more of me.  I will always be passionate about Education, as that is where my training, experience, and expertise lies.  I will always have a heart for students, teachers, and parents that come together to do what is best for kids.  However, in this season of my life, God has called me to shift my focus elsewhere.  He called me away from the classroom and into the Dance Studio.  

I have taken full advantage of my new "job" as stay-at-home mom.  I am diving into cooking, cleaning, planning playdates, giving 100% to my kids during homework time after school.  But I am also choosing to take better care of myself and my health.  I re-joined Jazzercise in August and I am more addicted than I've ever been!  Something about the uplifting music, the awesome instructors, and the DANCING just puts me in a good mood.  It's the only workout that I've ever been motivated to stick with.  Which is why I've decided to become an instructor myself!  The last few weeks have taken some major endurance, discipline, and many hours of practice.  Audition Day is quickly approaching.  Luckily, I've been blessed to work alongside some amazing people who have been a tremendous support and encouragement (shout out to Adrienne, Rodney, Claire, and Taylore!)

All this to say - Southlake Jazzercise is one of my new "homes."  Obviously, I consider my own family my very first home, and I have a church family that is becoming "home" as well.  You've probably heard the saying, "Home is where the heart is."  My heart beats for lots and lots of things.  It beats for Jesus.  It beats for my loved ones.  It beats for friends, acquaintances, and just people in general.  And in this season of my life, it has been beating stronger and stronger for the Advocacy of Mental Health.  Friends, I'm typing to share with you today that the MAIN reason I workout is for my Mental Health.  Yes, my physical health is just as important, I know.  But if any of you out there are struggling emotionally or mentally, I encourage you to DANCE.  (Or go for a walk, a run, or go to the gym, or go to your favorite class.  You can fill in the blank.)  For me, that blank is Jazzercise.  Physical fitness helps us balance the other areas of our lives that create all that dreaded stress.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

A Call for Authenticity

We are living in a world where almost every person now has an online identity.  We carefully craft the way we want others to see us. We can filter our photos and upload only those in which we look our best.  We are more brave to share our opinions, because we can hide behind the screen. Each time we scroll through a NewsFeed, we become more and more addicted and entrenched in the game.  The comparison game. Jealousy enters our hearts before we can blink, and dissention is bound to arise. I’ve seen it. I’ve experienced it. I’ve put myself on detox from it, only to return right back to it because I am a social being and I love connecting with others.  As much fun as Social Media can be, Real Life is so much more abundant and rewarding than any virtual reality that is found online. I hear God calling me to vocalize a call for authenticity. I hear Him calling for our generation to reach out to each other, offering helping hands to our neighbors, and tearing down walls of judgment.  

I believe it can start when we make the conscious decision to just be ourselves. Be who God created YOU to be. Online. In person. With family. With friends. With colleagues. When we meet new people. When we go to a party with a room full of people we’ve never met. When we go out to eat. When we volunteer at our children’s schools. In the grocery store. Everywhere we go. God has called us to be a light for Him. How can we do that when we put on a mask and work hard to project a certain image? The only image that matters is bearing the image of Him. The Almighty. Our Father.

So I have decided to take off the mask. (Go into public without makeup sometimes!) Let my scars show, if you will. Because we all have them. We all have something that makes us feel broken. Something in our past, or something we are dealing with in the present. A pain. A season of suffering that comes back to haunt us. A weakness in our character that we try and try to change about ourselves to no avail. But I am here to encourage you to let those scars show. Let other people in so that they can help you through it.

What would happen if we limit our screen time and started putting more emphasis on real, live, personal relationships?

What would happen if we were courageous enough to share our painful experiences with each other, starting honest conversation without sweeping tough subjects under the rug?

What would happen if we started listening to others with open minds to gain understanding and provide encouragement, deconstructing the wall of judgement?  

What would happen if we started fully accepting God’s Grace, believing that His mercy and love for us is unconditional?  And even greater, what if we showered that same grace on others, letting them know that we can love them unconditionally?

What would happen if we stopped putting so much effort in seeking the approval of others, and we kept our feet planted firmly on the fact that God created us all to be unique with different gifts and talents?

I have come to a point in my life where I feel God calling me to get very “real” with people. I’ve shared my testimony with numerous people, and every time I say it out loud, I become more courageous. God has given me a unique story that testifies of His unfailing love. And when others begin to open up to me about their story, I find so much encouragement and I love to see how God is working. I know there are so many more stories out there just waiting to be shared. Will you join me?