I just haven't been able to put this book down.
And, no, I'm not talking about the latest craze, Fifty Shades of Grey. (Sorry to burst your bubble.)
I'm talking about God's Living Word.
Some of you will probably stop reading this blog post now and keep checking your Facebook News Feed. That's ok. Go ahead. But for those who dare to keep reading....
Did you know there's a pledge to the Bible? I grew up reciting it every morning during Vacation Bible School....summer after summer.
"I pledge allegiance to the Bible, God's holy word. I will make it a lamp unto my feet, a light unto my path, and hide its words in my heart, that I may not sin against God."
Funny how that pledge just came back to me after all these years. Isn't it amazing how our brains work? We can recall poems and songs- word for word- if we've heard them enough times. Same thing is true about scripture. To "hide something in your heart" means you love something so much that you (consciously or subconsciously) memorize it. You know it inside and out. You can pull movie quotes and song lyrics out of nowhere because they're your absolute favorites, right?
So I've been reading my Bible (along with reading and listening to Christian commentary) and I just can't get enough. And my perspective about our generation and American culture is changing - it's being re-programmed by God as I study and hear His word. I see more and more sin all around me, and it truly breaks my heart. We are letting Satan get a tighter grip on us. Just turn on the TV and you'll see it. Everywhere.
Fifty Shades of Red. A spin-off of the popular new book...that I refuse to read.
RED. A symbol of the blood that was spilled by Jesus Christ for you and me. To cover our sins. To wash them away and cleanse us. To make us new. To forgive us, before we even asked for it, and although we don't deserve it. To show his love for us. To give us hope. Because THIS is not our home.
From Bo Chancey's message on Romans 5:
So many times we focus on what we don't have....but what about what we do have?
Through Christ, you have Peace, Hope, Joy, Love and Salvation.
What the world needs now is LOVE....it's the only thing that there's just too little of.... (recognize the song?)
When we have received the love of God, He gives us that same love for others so that we can help to share His love.
Do you have salvation? If you do, have you shared it with someone recently?
You can click here to listen to Bo Chancey's message.
(It's the black tab for Romans 5:1-10)
My 1st prayer is that you've found and accepted this free gift of salvation. My 2nd prayer is that the Bible will become more popular among our generation. There are so many Apps out there that make it too easy to download and find a reading plan with commentary connected. Try www.youversion.com if you don't know where else to begin.
It's called the Living Word for a reason. If you truly hide its words in your heart (even if you don't understand them at first!) I promise that you will start to feel God's presence like never before. It takes time, sacrifice, and a little bit of frustration at times. But it's so much better than Fifty Shades of Grey (and anything else on the market!)
I too am trying to become closer to God and examine all parts of my life. The closer I look at everything around me the more sin I see in the world also. Your views are refreshing and I thank you for sharing your journey.