Thursday, November 10, 2022

Marco..... Polo!

How often do you send a text, make a phone call, or Marco Polo your best friend? (Marco Polo is a fun app where you start a conversation through video messages.)

Lately, I have found myself texting, calling, and “Marco-ing” my friends more often than ever before. I have some amazing women of God in my life, and we use these tools on our phones to build each other up, encourage one another, check on each other, laugh together, and sometimes even shed some tears together. Friendship is powerful, and living in community with like-minded followers of Christ is paramount to my spiritual well-being.

I’m so quick to grab my phone sometimes that I forget about someone else who is longing for me to communicate with Him. God is watching and waiting and ready to listen. When you feel that gentle tug in your heart, Jesus is calling. When you’re driving to and fro - and you see a beautiful sunrise or sunset of colors that take your breath away- Jesus is calling. When you are in the middle of one of life’s storms, and all you feel is confusion or pain, Jesus is calling.

How often do you answer the call? He is longing for us to stop, sit, bow, and pour out our hearts to Him. And He would love nothing more than for you to do the dialing! So my question today is this:

Do you have Jesus on Speed Dial? Do you cry out to him as if you were playing the familiar game of Marco Polo?

“Marco! Here I am Lord! Are you there? Do you hear me? Where are you? I need you!”

Prayer is so powerful. There is nothing else like it. I have been part of a Moms in Prayer group at my children’s school for 4 years, and I have learned so much about prayer. I’ve learned how to use scripture to pray, and I’ve learned to be bold in my prayers. I’ve seen God answer prayers, and I can testify that His promises never fail. Even when our selfish requests and earthly desires are not met, God is working. Surviving life’s curveballs takes faith, trust, and consistent, persistent PRAYER.

Keep calling out to Him, friends. Keep yelling “Marco!” He will always answer, and He will always listen. And when it’s His turn to do the talking- oh, how beautiful it is to sit and listen! Listening for the Lord takes waiting and watching. If you wait and watch, he will reveal Himself. Sometimes it takes months or years of the same prayer. But friends, He will move and He will answer. His answers sometimes come through Scripture, a word from a friend, or sometimes through music or circumstances. Be alert! The Holy Spirit will guide and direct if you remain in step with Him through daily prayer.


“The Lord is close to all who call on him, yes, to all who call on him in truth. He grants the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cries for help and rescues them. The Lord protects all those who love him, but he destroys the wicked. I will praise the Lord, and may everyone on earth bless his holy name forever and ever.” (Psalm 145:18-21)